Certified BBQ Judging Class – Belgium BELGIUM Potaardestraat 70 unit 16, 2845 Niel !! Sorry, Postponed !! https://www.thebarbecuebarn.be/booking-calendar/kcbs-judgeclass Primary Contact Person: Filip Van Eeckhout Phone: +32 476 791 619 Email: info@thebarbecuebarn.be Certified BBQ Judging Class December 03, 2022 For more information contact: Filip Van Eeckhout info@thebarbecuebarn.be +32 476 791 619 The EBCC is Powered by: […]

CBJ / CTC Class
Event Information Certified BBQ Judging Class & Table Captain Class. 2/22/2020 Weber Grill Academy Tjop’s Bruggestraat 133 8755 Ruiselede België You can become a Table Captain without being a Judge!! So even if you don’t like or want to eat meat, you still can be a part of these great events. Primary Contact Person: Birger […]

KCBS Judging classes ’18
KCBS teams are known for cooking some of the best barbecue in the world, but it takes dedicated judges to determine which is truly the best-of-the-best. To become a CBJ (Certified BBQ Judge), just attend one of the classes conducted by KCBS every year. It is at least a half-day’s time, you’ll learn how […]

Wettels on Fire KCBS Judge Class
The Wettels on Fire KCBS Judge Class, is the Second Belgian opportunity in 2017, to become a Certified BBQ Judge. When the first class is full or the date does not fit in your schedule, this is your second chance. Grab it, and enjoy the whole year of the best BBQ you can get. When […]

KCBS Judges Class Belgium
KCBS Judges Class Sint Niklaas Belgium De first KCBS Judges Class of 2017 in Belgium is on the calendar. 04/02/2017 If you like to taste the Best BBQ that there is on any given BBQ Contest weekend, Become a KCBS Certified BBQ Judge. Every Category the teams will bring the best of the best they […]

KCBS Judging classes in Europe.
KCBS Judging classes in Europe. At this moment there are two classes remaining in Europe. For more info about the classes, click on the map. Hope to meet you out there on the field in the smoke, or in the Judging tent. Either way have fun and enjoy!

KCBS Judging classes
Judging Classes – 2016 (at this moment) KCBS teams are known for cooking some of the best barbeque in the world, but it takes a dedicated team of judges to decide which is truly the best-of-the-best. To become a CBJ, just attend one of the classes conducted by KCBS every year throughout Europe. […]