Hi all, Please note that we will share planned classes in the Contest Calendar! So this is easier to find. Hope this helps. The EBCC is Powered by:

CBJ & CTC Class Italy
Certified BBQ Judging & Table Captain Class – Italy 5/13/2023 The War of BarbecueIsola della Scala, 37063 Primary Contact Person: Massimo ZaramellaPhone: 039 340 0936880Email: thewarofbbq@gmail.com or max.zara@gmail.com

CBJ Class Belgium
Certified BBQ Judging Class – Belgium BELGIUM Potaardestraat 70 unit 16, 2845 Niel !! Sorry, Postponed !! https://www.thebarbecuebarn.be/booking-calendar/kcbs-judgeclass Primary Contact Person: Filip Van Eeckhout Phone: +32 476 791 619 Email: info@thebarbecuebarn.be Certified BBQ Judging Class December 03, 2022 For more information contact: Filip Van Eeckhout info@thebarbecuebarn.be +32 476 791 619 The EBCC is Powered by: […]

Certified BBQ Judging Class
Certified BBQ Judging Class 11/2/2019 Contest ID Number: 34538 Lommel, http://facebook.com/events/384216655739827/ Primary Contact Person: Marjolein van Decraen Phone: +32491206417 Email: burninglovebbq@gmail.com Secondary Contact Person: Joeri Cools Phone: +32495265097

KCBS Judging classes ’18
KCBS teams are known for cooking some of the best barbecue in the world, but it takes dedicated judges to determine which is truly the best-of-the-best. To become a CBJ (Certified BBQ Judge), just attend one of the classes conducted by KCBS every year. It is at least a half-day’s time, you’ll learn how […]

KCBS Judging classes
Judging Classes – 2016 (at this moment) KCBS teams are known for cooking some of the best barbeque in the world, but it takes a dedicated team of judges to decide which is truly the best-of-the-best. To become a CBJ, just attend one of the classes conducted by KCBS every year throughout Europe. […]