The European BBQ Challenge Cup, in short the EBCC
or the
European BBQ Championship
What is it?
This is a Challenge Cup to support the organizers and to challenge the teams even more then they are already.
What we want to accomplish for the organizers, is to make it more interesting for teams to chose for there contest instead of a one time or not sanctioned event.
But we also want to filter out and recognize the best European Teams per category and the best performing European Team* overall.
Although the growth of the amount of competitions in Europe is off the charts, we are a long way from the numbers in the States.
That is not so strange if you know that 2011 was the first year we had a sanctioned KCBS Competition in Europe
In the States they have 600+ contests a year and is KCBS sanctioning contests for over 30 years now.
2014 was the first year the EBCC was in place and as the year went by the teams got more focused on the points.
We know that some teams even entered not scheduled extra competitions just to try to keep their place or improve there points and move up on the EBCC ranking.
*) a European team is a team that lives and work in Europe, Sometimes team members are from outside of Europe but living in Europe.
They have the same amount of competitions to participate in as any other EU Team.
For the Organizer,
The teams are getting more and more focused on the points they can score or want to improve.
This means that a Team will choose his contest over another contest that not counts for the EBCC.
Because the team can collect or improve there points, at his contest and not at an other contest.
The only thing an organizer has to do is to fit within the criteria to count for the EBCC, and the Contest will be added on the EBCC website.
The Organizer is invited to send in the contest logo and a written piece about the contest, how it stands out to the other contests and what the contest has to offer for the Teams, Judges and Public.
Contact info and specific locations will help the Teams, Judge and public.
For The teams,
They can collect EBCC points up to the 3 best scores.
From that point on they can improve there points on every EBCC counting contest, only the 3 highest scores will remain in the EBCC ranking.
For example, Chicken.
A team score in 3 competitions for chicken 500, 501, 502 and at the 4th competition they score 510 then the 510 score will take the place of the 500 score.
Which will bring the total of 1503 points for Chicken up to 1513 and that can result in a higher place in the EBCC rankings.
This works like this for all of the 4 main Categories, Chicken, Pork Ribs, Pork and Brisket.
The total of these 4 totals will determine the overall score. (not the som of the 3 highest competition overall scores.)
The stakes for the teams are:
- The bragging rights of the tittle of European BBQ Champion of the Year.
- The bragging rights of the tittle BBQ Category Champion of the Year. (Chicken, Pork Ribs, Pork Shoulder, Beef Brisket)
- An awesome Custom made Trophy for the Overall GC.
- An awesome Custom made Trophy for the Overall RGC.
- Spectacular banners to support the bragging rights. (Grand Champion and Category Champions)
- The numbers 1, 2 and 3 of every category will receive stunning custom made Trophy.
- For the numbers 1 till 5 of every category there will be ribbons so you can easily show what you accomplished.
- The GC also get the EBCC returnable Challenge Cup to show for a whole year.
When this Trophy comes back to the organization, their Team Name, Year, and Country will be made on it. So the Teams know who went before them in the list of great achievers, and everlasting glory.