EBCC Rankings after Bohemian BBQ The scores are in and the rankings are in motion. This is good to watch. Chicken The first place stays in the hand of BBQ Longhorn Ranch hands, their scores were high enough to stay in that position without improving there recent scores. Miss Piggy’s improve their chicken scores with […]

European 180 Scores
European 180 scores. The total of 180 pins for the 4 meat categories handed out to European Teams at this moment is 4. 2015 wasn’t a great year for perfect scores in Europe. Non of the European teams realized a 180 score in one of the four Meat categories, at a European contest that […]

Beer,Fries & BBQ IV
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2017/05/13 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Grand Champion: SOUTHERN DUTCH BBQ Reserve Champion: Bunch of Swines Beer,Fries & BBQ IV May 13 – 14, 2017 Hasselt, Belgium Special thanks to the Roasting Romans. Overall 1 SOUTHERN DUTCH BBQ 682.8000 2 Bunch of Swines 677.6800 3 iQ – Netherlands […]

BFB III from the Air.
An other very well organized Beer, Fries and BBQ is written in the BBQ history books. What a great venue, there is always a great atmosphere on that field….. everybody seems to like it there. We had great weather and fantastic food, what more can you ask for ………. maybe a beer 😉 Beer, Fries […]

Legal pork cut of meat
Legal pork cut of meat, for KCBS contest. Please, please please, be sure you bring the right cut(s) of meat to the contest. A lot of teams are practicing with pork collar*, this is a part of the Boston Butt, Boston Roast but on its own not a legal cut for the contest. The Boston Butt, […]

Q Fest
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2017/04/29 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Grand Champion: Bunch of Swines Reserve Champion: ALL SMOKE NO KNICKERS April 29 – 30, 2017 Q Fest Bishopsteignton, Devon, TQ149TD United Kingdom Website Grand Champion: Bunch of Swines Reserve Champion: ALL SMOKE NO KNICKERS Overall 1 Bunch of Swines 672.6176 […]

Barbecue Bulls Championship
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2017/04/30 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Grand Champion: iQ – Netherlands Reserve Champion: KNOCKSTONE BBQ TEAM AUSTRIA April 29 – 30, 2017 Salzburg, Austria Overall 1 iQ – Netherlands 689.6684 2 Knockstone BBQ Team 688.0112 3 STICKY FINGERS BARBECUE TEAM 687.9428 4 NYARSPOLGAR BBQ 685.7372 5 BBQ LONGHORN […]

Smoke By the River
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2017/04/30 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] !!Cancelt!! 05/01/2017 Lieve Mayco & Marianne Als 1. de beste wensen voor 2017 Helaas heb ik slecht bericht, de “Smoke by the River” Contest voor 2017 is afgelast wegens te veel onoplosbare problemen met de hoofdorganisator. Helaas en het is te kort dag […]

Can a Team member Judge.
Can a team member judge. We always advise a team to become CBJ’s so they can be involved in BBQ even when they are not competing. This is also a great way to see other team entries, taste them and even better….. get to know what the judges on your table think about them. Also […]

Bardo-Q BBQ Competition
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2017/04/23 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Grand Champion: STICKY FINGERS BARBECUE TEAM Reserve Champion: BROS HOG April 22 – 23, 2017 Bardonecchia, Italy BARDO-Q BBQ COMPETITION is the first KCBS contest in Piemonte and the most western in Italy. BARDONECCHIA Bardonecchia is located at 1312meters, center of […]