Riverland Smokers BBQ Contest 6/22/2024 – 6/23/2024 6669 BZ Dodewaard, The Netherlands Primary Contact Person: Maurice Mulder Phone: +31 6 408 481 20 Email: info@riverland-smokers.nl http://www.riverland-smokers.nl created 10/17/2023 8:01 AM The EBCC is Powered by:

Farm Meat BBQ
Farm Meat “De Vaartse Hoeve” BBQ Contest DIST: 50 mi Dongen, 5106NC NETHERLANDS 9/10/2022 – 9/11/2022 Contest ID Number: 36350 Vaartweg 131 Dongen, 5106NC http://www.bbcontest.nl Primary Contact Person: Astrid Lodewijks Phone: +31-6-15058484 Email: mail@bbqcontest.nl The EBCC is Powered by: