[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2018/04/08 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Smoke by Cucina e Tavola Winterhur, Switzerland April 7 – 8, 2018 Contact Information: Simon Okker Winterhur,Switzerland, 8400 Phone: 41628910853 Email Added: Sep 8, 2017 The EBCC is Powered by: BewarenBewaren

Smoke By the River
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2017/04/30 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] !!Cancelt!! 05/01/2017 Lieve Mayco & Marianne Als 1. de beste wensen voor 2017 Helaas heb ik slecht bericht, de “Smoke by the River” Contest voor 2017 is afgelast wegens te veel onoplosbare problemen met de hoofdorganisator. Helaas en het is te kort dag […]

Smoke by the River
Grand Champion: BBQ LONGHORN RANCH HANDS Reserve Champion: MISS PIGGY’S U.K. We congratulate the GC, the RGC and all the teams that heard their name called or had a walk. Smoke By the River Brugg , CH, Switzerland Overall 1 BBQ LONGHORN RANCH HANDS 681.7028 2 MISS PIGGY’S U.K. 681.0856 3 S.W.A.T. BBQ 662.8688 4 […]