[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2019/04/14 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] 2nd Wild King BBQ Competition Tirol, Austria April 13 – 14, 2019 Website: http://www.wildking.at KCBS Reps: LUCA FAMIGLI, HAYMO GUTWENIGER Contest Number: 8131 Contact Information: Franz Groessing Tirol,Austria, A-6380 f.groessing@a1.net Added: Jul 27, 2018 The EBCC is Powered by: […]

Spring Break BBQ
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2019/03/31 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] 03/30/2019 to 03/31/2019 Spring Break BBQ Contest Lommel, Belgium Contact: Marjolein Van Deccaen, burninglovebbq@gmail.com Contact: Joeri Cools, burninglovebbq@gmail.com KCBS Reps: MARIANNE VAN GALEN, MAYCO VAN GALEN Results Not In. Spring Break BBQ Contest Lommel, Belgium March 30 – 31, 2019 Website: http://www.springbreakbbqcontest.eu KCBS […]

Culinair BBQ Zwolle
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2018/09/01 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Culinaire BBQ contests NL Culinaire BBQ wedstrijden die onder de SBWN vallen: 10 mei Hoogeveen www.bbqwedstrijdhoogeveen.nl 26 mei BBQ wedstrijd Klazienaveen Jellema BBQ! contest (hebben een facebookpagina ) 9 juni BBQ wedstrijd Waddinxveen www.bbqwaddinxveen.nl 15 juli BBQ wedstrijd Exloo (Details volgen nog ) […]

Culinair BBQ Exloo
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2018/07/15 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Culinaire BBQ contests NL 15 juli BBQ wedstrijd Exloo (Details volgen nog ) Powered by:

Culinaire BBQ Waddinxveen
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2018/06/09 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Culinaire BBQ contests NL For judges or teams that like to do Culinaire style BBQ there are several opportunities in the Netherlands. Here are the first two upcoming contests. When you just want to visit, no problem… lots of things to see and […]

Culinaire BBQ Klazienaveen
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2018/05/26 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Culinair BBQ Klazienaveen. For judges or teams that like to do Culinaire style BBQ there are several opportunities in the Netherlands. Here are the first two upcoming contests. When you just want to visit, no problem… lots of things to see and do, […]

Culinaire BBQ Hoogeveen
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2018/05/10 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Culinaire BBQ in the Netherlands. For judges or teams that like to do Culinaire style BBQ there are several opportunities in the Netherlands. When you just want to visit, no problem… lots of things to see and do, you will be amazed. This […]

Barbecue on Ice
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2019/02/17 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Austrian BBQ Festival BARBECUE on ICE Weissensee, Austria February 16 – 17, 2019 Website: http://www.meat-smoke-and-beer.com KCBS Reps: ANDREAS SCHNOELL, EVA SCHNOELL Contest Number: 8128 Contact Information: Armin Oberndurfer Weissensee,Austria, 9762 Phone: +43 664 882 33 000 armin@barbecue-point.at Added: Jul 23, 2018 The […]

[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2019/01/20 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] W.E.S.T. Winter Extreme South Tyrol BBQ Contest Grand Champion: Hot Wachula’s Reserve Champion: Gecko BBQ Rein in Taufers, BZ, Italy January 19 – 20, 2019 Website: http://www.mig.bz KCBS Reps: LUCA FAMIGLI, CAROLYN WELLS Contest Number: 8126 Contact Information: Myrko Leitner Michele Capano Rein […]

Smoke in Schlieren
[ujicountdown id=”Practice time left” expire=”2018/10/21 10:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””] Smoke in Schlieren Goldschlagiplatz, Switzerland October 20 – 21, 2018 Website:http://www.smokeinschlieren.ch Contact Information: Okker Cuiper Goldschlagiplatz, Switzerland, 5735 Phone: +41628910855 okker.cuiper@comanagement.ch Added: Jan 25, 2018 the EBCC is powered by: BewarenBewaren BewarenBewaren BewarenBewaren