EBCC Awards 2016
Night of the Champions
21 Januari 2017
Restaurant & Hotel La Sonnerie made for this years EBCC Awards an other, less exclusive package.
The Packages of the 2015 Awards were a little to much for some.
We hope you all like it.
When you have special requests like a pickup at the airport, please contact La Sonnerie
This year the Awards will be held at the same location as last year, there are some proposals to host the Awards on an other location.
These came a little late for this year, but maybe next year we can compare the locations.
We have some needs and wishes to ensure a certain level of quality for the people who are willing to travel for the Awards.
We hope we can welcome you the 21nd of Januari, and have a good time with other BBQ friends.
Please sign up here.
citing EBCC
[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.ebcc-cup.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/EBCC-Award-Dinner-Arrangement-2017.pdf” title=”ebcc-award-dinner-arrangement-2017″]